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Sam L. Cohen Foundation Grantee Survey 2024

The Sam L. Cohen Foundation conducted a Grantee Survey in March 2024. We want to thank you for your thoughtful feedback and share highlights of the findings. The electronic survey was sent to 285 grantees and applicants in the past three years. One hundred -eighteen organizations completed the survey for a response rate of 41 percent.

Forty-four percent of our respondents label themselves as Health and Human Service organizations followed by 27% as Education. Respondents fall somewhat evenly across the spectrum as to operating budget size:

Under $200,000
$200,000 - $500,000
$500,001 - $1,000,000
$1,000,001 - $5,000,000
Over $5,000,000

The percentage of organizations who rely on foundation grants for more than 50 percent of operating support revenue has risen each survey and is now double the amount since we began tracking in 2012.

The website received consistently high marks, between 95-100% of grantees, agreeing with its effectiveness. Staff interaction received equally high marks, and we are appreciative.

Included within the survey were a couple open-ended questions:

  • Other than funding, what are the top three challenges facing your non-profit?

One hundred and five participants answered this question. Overwhelmingly, 50% answered this question stating that staffing was an issue – recruiting, training, and retaining. The second issue facing non-profits seems to be both board and volunteer recruitment, development, and retention. And lastly, the third most common issue was keeping pace with the rising demand for programming/services.

  • Please respond below if you have any additional thoughts about how the Foundation can support you in your mission.

Fifty-one participants answered this question. Twenty-five percent responded they would enjoy, whether they were funded or not, being connected to other organizations to collaborate; 12% wanted to be connected or introduced to other funders. Eighteen percent mentioned consecutive year or multi-year funding, and a small percentage noted promotional/outreach support would be helpful.